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Summer Interns

8 Week Immersive Program - Learn What a Career in Financial Services Involves

The Michigan Financial Companies Summer Internship program is designed to help college students gain real-world experience in the financial services industry while preparing for their own careers through licensing and prospecting.  Over the course of 8 weeks, interns will learn first-hand about a career as an advisor.  Interns will have the opportunity to shadow top advisors as they work with their clients work on networking, phoning, and building a network, and start their own client base by writing cases. Interns will also create a business plan for themselves as a new advisor entering the industry and present it to the leadership team. Our goal is to give our interns a realistic look into the pros and cons of financial advising so they can make an informed decision on whether the career is correct for them. 

Commit yourself to a productive summer and head back to school with a jump start on your career.

2025 Intern Program Overview

Intern Program Overview

  • 8-week program
  • Hands-on training with our Training & Development Department
  • Work closely with financial advisors on our team doing joint work and learning the "ins and outs" of the industry
  • Friendly competition amongst interns
  • Job Shadowing of successful advisors
  • Possibility for full-time position following graduation
  • Start building your own client base
  • Completion of SIE Certification
  • Develop Business Plan for use in future practice


  • $2,400 stipend paid out by MFC over the course of the internship
  • $100 bonus for each week phoning and networking goals are reached ($600 total, Weeks 2-7)
  • SIE online study course and materials + cost of the exam ($250 value)
  • Weekly awards for most calls made, appointments set, and connections made


  • Finance, Economics, or Sales-related majors
  • Juniors and Seniors Only
  • Individuals must intend on a career in financial services
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA requirement
  • Extra-Curricular Activities preferred

Additional Resources

    • Why Advisors Join Our Firm - Outline of the advantages advisors enjoy by joining Michigan Financial Companies.
    • Advisor Success Story - A Question and Answer Session with one of our new advisors discussing why he chose financial advising and how he has been able to find success.

    We are strongly committed to diversity and equal opportunity.

Submit Resume

Chelsea Zangkas

 (248) 663-4776

Chelsea Zangkas is the Recruiting Coordinator for Michigan Financial Companies. Her role consists of helping advisors with their recruiting initiatives and is responsible for recruiting new talent to the various offices in all seven states of operation. Chelsea graduated from the University of Southern Indiana in May 2011 with her Bachelor of Arts in Online Journalism, and Political Science. In her free time, she enjoys camping and hiking in the great outdoors and is an avid marathon runner. Schedule time to speak with Chelsea about career opportunities at Michigan Financial Companies below.

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