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Building You Ideal Practice with a Team Committed to Your Growth

Have you reached a period of stagnation in your practice? Are you dissatisfied with your current firm? Would you like to increase your marketing efforts, but don't have the time or resources? Do you want to build your team by adding a junior advisor or administrator? Are you in a position to buy a book of business, but don't know where to start? We can help!

Marketing Support


Many advisors understand the importance of marketing to their practice, however, many fail to dedicate the time and resources necessary to have success. Our marketing team meets with our advisors monthly to discuss their marketing initiatives. Together we come up with actionable solutions for increasing reach within your target markets. 

Marketing support includes design of marketing materials, social media and website support, email system maintenance, and everything involved with hosting a seminar or webinar.

Team Building


Whether you're looking to hire an administrative professional to assist with client communication and paperwork, or add another advisor to your team to assist with a large client base or as part of a future succession plan, building a larger practice usually means building your team. As your business and client base grow, the only way to continue your level of service to your clients will be to add to your support team.

We work with our advisors to determine which skills and values are most important to you and work to find candidates that match those requirements.

Purchasing a Book


While purchasing a book of business can be a great way to build your business, it can also be expensive, complicated, and stressful. Our team can assist in the valuation of the practice and structuring the sale. We can also help you identify practices for sale that align with your goals and values.

Our team works quickly and efficiently to transition accounts and make your acquisition as smooth and easy as possible for both you and your new clients. Maintaining consistent communication and marketing initiatives to the exiting advisor is vital to retaining your new clients.

Our firm has dedicated, experienced professionals that assist advisors as they continue to build their businesses. By having the necessary resources and support, you are able to free up your time to do what you do best - help your clients. These support systems allow you to move towards your business and personal goals at the pace you desire.

We believe an advisor is most effective when they can focus their time on what is most important - serving the needs of their clients.

Preliminary Income Proforma


Is the grass really greener? We think so. But don't just take our word for it; this is what our advisors who have successfully moved to our firm:


Chelsea Zangkas

(248) 663-4776

Chelsea Zangkas is the Recruiting Coordinator for Michigan Financial Companies. Her role consists of helping advisors with their recruiting initiatives and is responsible for recruiting new talent to the various offices in all seven states of operation. Chelsea graduated from the University of Southern Indiana in May 2011 with her Bachelor of Arts in Online Journalism, and Political Science. In her free time, she enjoys camping and hiking in the great outdoors and is an avid marathon runner. Schedule time to speak with Chelsea about career opportunities at Michigan Financial Companies below.

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We are strongly committed to diversity and equal opportunity.

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