Brooke Karrington
Investment advisor representative
248-555-1000 248-555-1001
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Brooke Karrington is an Investment Advisor Representative at Michigan Financial Companies, a financial services firm specializing in estate planning strategies, wealth accumulation, business planning and executive benefits for both publicly and privately-held companies.
As an Investment Advisor Representative, Brooke is uniquely qualified to address the diverse needs of each client as they financially prepare for their future. She provides recommendations for asset allocation, funding for education, retirement, as well as life and long-term care insurance.
She works closely with business owners, executive teams and their advisors to help pursue their financial goals and implement strategies to meet their distinctive needs.
- Northwood University
- Bachelor of Arts
Professional Designations & Certifications
- FINRA Series 7
- FINRA Series 66
- Life, Accident, and Health Insurance
Memberships & Affiliations
- GAMA International
- Society of Financial Services
Personal Data
Brooke lives in Madison Heights, MI, with her husband, John. They adore their dog, Chewy, and their cat, Kitty. Brooke enjoys running, going to concerts, and visiting breweries in her free time.
Tim Mepep
Financial Planner
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Serving the community since 2012.